【おまとめ•専用ページ•お値下げ交渉】cora and violet Birthday dress &hatサイズ:6-12m送料込みで25500円で購入しました。売るか悩んでいるので、値段お高め設定です。*目立った汚れや傷はありませんが、神経質な方はご遠慮下さいm(_ _)m*海外製品のため元々作りが甘いことがあります。また子供が着た中古品であることをご理解いただける方のみご購入をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m✴︎トラブル防止の為、以下のことはしなくしました!m(_ _)m①お値下げ交渉(その分、最初からお安く設定します☆)②おまとめ購入(全て1点ずつ発送します!)③専用ページの作成(全ての商品が早い者勝ちです!)この3つに関するお願いのコメントへは、返信を省略させていただきます。状態やサイズ感のご相談はお気軽にお声がけください(^^)以上、気持ちの良い取引が出来るよう心がけていきますので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします(^^)#たいりな服
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses | When you're the life of the party! I love this whimsical approach to such a fun themed birthday dress. Happy birthday to
Jubilee Birthday dress EXPRESS | Cora and Violet
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Jubilee Birthday dress
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Jubilee Birthday dress | Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | handmade Dress for Birthdays and Weddings
Bluey Birthday dress-EXPRESS
Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses (@coraandviolet) • Instagram photos and videos
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Party Animal Birthday Dress
Jubilee Birthday dress EXPRESS | Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses | Need styling ideas for a birthday party to remember? What theme will you pick… Comment “shop please” and we will message you
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses | When you're the life of the party! I love this whimsical approach to such a fun themed birthday dress. Happy birthday to
Jubilee Birthday dress EXPRESS | Cora and Violet
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Jubilee Birthday dress
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Jubilee Birthday dress | Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | handmade Dress for Birthdays and Weddings
Bluey Birthday dress-EXPRESS
Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses (@coraandviolet) • Instagram photos and videos
Party Animal Birthday Dress | Cora and Violet
Party Animal Birthday Dress
Jubilee Birthday dress EXPRESS | Cora and Violet
Cora and Violet | Baby & Children Birthday Dresses | Need styling ideas for a birthday party to remember? What theme will you pick… Comment “shop please” and we will message you
Berry party hat